Email Filtering & Security

Cyber Security

Email Security is a must-have for businesses of all kinds.  Our tools and management ensures your users and devices are safe from phishing attacks. Whether they’re on a mobile or a desktop

How Can Email Security Help?

When you think of cyber security you don’t expect email to be one of the main attack vectors for cyber criminals. However, the majority of phishing and scam attacks occur through your email platform. 

With specialized filtering and security you can rest assured that your email is safe.

The median loss due to a business email being compromised in 2021 was
£ 0
"According to a Verizon Data Breach Report 2021"
Animations 8

Features Of Email Filtering And Security

What makes us the best IT Support Partner?

True 24/7 IT Support

ITC provide true 24/7 emergency engineer cover. IT issues unfortunately don’t only occur during normal business hours. We have on call engineers available to assist 24/7 with any IT emergency. ​

'World Class NPS'

Our NPS scores are some of the highest in the country. A testament to the quality of support we provide to our happy clients.

98% Retention

Formed in 2006, ITC Service has an outstanding customer retention rate. Companies who use us for the first time keep on using us, year after year – don’t just take our word for it.​


Our team of over 40 engineers and support staff are constantly trained in the latest technologies. From software to hardware to cabling and installations, we are the trusted provider in the region.​